

Saturday, June 12, 2010


My blanket is too short
I feel like a black person in court
My bed is too hard
I feel like normal stuck in retard
My pillow is too smelly
I feel like a skinny person with a huge belly
My sheep are too fast
I feel like a winner comming last
My sleep is too far
I feel like a spaceship turned into a car
My dreams are too strange
I feel like a star with out his stage
The night is too loud
I feel like a raindrop with out it's cloud
Evrything with my world is wrong
As people run around, as people long.

cheap men

I try not to be delusional about the day
But the sun is firing the dry hay
Makes it easy to find the needel lost in diversitys nasty picture
All caugh up in the richer
And I feel the pain flowing threw my thick artory
I try to defeet the the surreal poverty
Blue eyes starring as they cry
Brings me back to when I really did try
I remember the black hole
Falling and swirling into your deep soul
Finding nothing but fake tales and cheap wine
Gosh this boy was just not easy to define

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Killing my relationships, as I run fast threw this life, wanting to be bill free, as in slave free. Wanting to be stable with somebody, but somehow I run over all these funny men. After all, I'm not ken.
I have lost my isperation, as somebody tells me to slow down, it feels like I've lost my crown. I run around in my g-star clothing, feeling like a dead fish, dull and boring. But as I plan this life of mine, their is more to it then money, and smelling like pine. Perhaps not, perhaps my back pack is filled of these things I have bought. Just items, that once made me happy, I see them and feel empty, I feel them and fear them.
Packing evrything in small boxes, not the first time, but maybe like the 55th. I feel like I make no sence, I feel very young, I feel very dense. But life goes on, a new day, with a new bill, a new feeling, people dealing, me loosing my appealing.
With this roof over my head, I go to bead... Feeling safe, feeling like a man who made it threw another day, trying to fall asleep, with a body feeling small, even though I am tall. Somehow I always seem to fall, into these traps, wondering- "where are all my caps" item's I have lent, longing for my next event.
I finish this text, feeling grey, looking for my feelings, it's like looking for the fucking needle in the hay.
fuck my life, I maybe want a wife, 'cause men are shit, 'cause men I spit. I cannot understand, as I look at my hand. Confront myself, then I hang me high up on my shelf, write these lines, smelling like hunny and pines. Today I don't shine, neither does the sun, the sky is crying, instead of me. Thank's, I tell the clouds, thank you thank you, and fuck you.

grass was green Spring Ive seen

Friday, May 14, 2010


Been traveling with my bag full, been their done that. But never met I guy that I like this much. It must be luck. I feel like a yellow duck. Saw girl interrupted, it feels like Iv'e been playing rolls, all but my self. I was a mixture of angie and ryder. Now I just feel like me, lawnce, but they call me Einar. I like to play my self in real life, but sometimes I become crazy and I feel like a lie.

I went too sleep feeling very grey, I am he who always used to feel like a needle hidden in hay. But I faund me, it took a while, and the journy has been wild. I was after all just a child.
Who live for his charectars, bursting from inside. But me valcano burst, and now I am fine. I usually shine.

Now just miss my love, he is made frome above, eyes brown like hunny. He is my bunny. How funny.

grass was greenSpring Ive seen

Thursday, May 13, 2010


This is my log, they call it a blog. I tell you my life, stuff like I'm in love with a boy, a man. He doesn't eat hamm, just veggies, neitheir does he drink milk, just wears fake silk.

He is silly like me, and does not have any billy piercings. He looks like a vintage polaroid, and his name is not loyd. A movie star, a drama king, just like me. He love's to provoke as me, he is a man he keeps me frome sikness thus choke, you see. He provides me with the dopiman drug, and I just want to give him a hug...

Enough about he, more about me, I am out of the sea, back to base zero. My unlucky town, where saddness is all I found. A town that makes me sick, from toe to top. This is a town of drop.

As in dropped out of school, dropped out of life, escaped to get me a new wife, but lucky me found this boy.

grass was greenSpring Ive seen

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Ran again

Caunting to 10, I never learn how to come to the magic nr one hundret, I just run, round and round, loosing pound after pound, reaching the magic nr zeeroo, thus is so last decade. But I love to live in my past, I hav a blast. Learning something new everyday, I wake up and suddenly I'm not gay.
Don't take this for granted, I'm just playing charecters, I love to play clarence, I wonder why, mostley because he's so cool.

But playing me is the best, 'cause I love me as I failed my test. The school one, the one that kept me out of univeristy. Soo I need some charity, or more lessons. Religion, who the fukc cares, just nossens, I am god, point...


My pockets toogether, I solved my mistery , I found my messery. With shades on, I say tell my world, I'm going out for a vintage blur, shades on, I am upp on. A dream dream dream.

grass was greenSpring Ive seen

olive green

My next life, make me into a tree, an olive tree please, so I can grow forever, and produce nice olives. Strange boy, beautuful tree, maybe we can be three. As in 1 2 3.
In my book it takes three too tango. But my book is very silly, and young. Trying too be forever young in the mind, makes one very blind.

Or maybe a cow, so I can be lazy and grow paunds, eating grass I loved too do, but now days I just chew on my shoe, like chicha bella my old dog, or cuba another dog.

But make me a star, so I can burn forever until I hit this world. And maybe create a new world, so we all can curl. Into a feedus, and start from size zeroo.
A fresh start for this world can only be good.

Slash your dearest god
Einar in sane.


Haunting me, I stopped smoking, no I'm not joking. Replaced my smoke with choke, running and tears. I replaced alcohol with rain dears. God I miss my smokes, I'd rather die of a coconut falling on my head, then smoke, choking me to death. I'd rather die in a lanvin the alcohol changing my age. I'd rather dance with you, then talk with you.
Rather, instead, I'm going too bed.

I feel empty as a blank book, wondering what too cook, fish or dear. Food, is something I fear, but
only when I am silly in my head. C'ause if I don't eat I become dead. My soul is alive, my sould is inside. A nightmare before summer, called spring. Ca CHING MONEY !!!!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Want back

Escaping too a paradise as far as the other side of the world, it is hard. Especially when my cash is in the form as a card. Abtract money is not my thing, I want cash. I colour my lashes dark, so I can manipulate with some chark, on the board. As in "I am so fucking bored". My world is infront of me, and I'm blind as a bat, feel like a cat. A boat stuck on seasure.
I make it threw the day running around, feeling way too proud. Writing the same words as I did yesterday. Nobody know's me, cause I change every second. I don't get silver, I am gold.
Never well I be sold, cause I'm no prostitute.

Btw, i saw a very good movie called "whatever lola wants". I love'd it, my taste in movies is too trust, "like a spoon, that never rust's"-Me

grass was greenSpring Ive seen


Too be normal, following norms as a robot. I guess that is what life is, puppet with out a string, feels like a just got stuck by a queen bee. But "like" your now, I always wonder how... Being a slave too misery, too "bad" feelings and then the good ones. Like soetimes I am a slave too mydear freind "peliflume", or Paulina. It's ok too be a slave, as long as you can handle your self.
I am very hard too handle, or used too be, new day. A new say, rimes, just sqezze like slime threw my brain. I alway's never complain. Just when I reach the bottom of my C, the feeling i never wanted too feel nor see. So I toss thus feeling away, on stones and walls. I kick and I box, like a child.

I am wild, the only person who can handle me is actually me.

grass was green summer I see

Monday, May 3, 2010


Ran threw my day
Feeling not yellow, but grey
Grey is neutral
Always feeling beautiful
sick of all my writings
Sick of all my paintings

Sick of the fake
Miss the snow flake

Don't miss nothing
Just something

I have it all
The world is small
The world is mine
Soon I count 2 nine

Fall asleep, waking up not once
But 21 nons
Ens vill be, the essenes of bee
I make no sence
Because I jump over the fence.

grass was greensummer I Sea, a big C.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Writing on papper is too broing, they say it makes me less crazy, but I'm just way too lazy. You know, Im still sometimes a baby, never listen too what wise people have too say, I just play grey.
A game I hate too play, but. No buts I say, ´cause I'm too sunburned to do what people, society want's me 2 do. I am not a robot, I'm acutually human (with out strings), one who is word blind, spells very pure. But one thing is for sure, I am always right, I win with out any "big" fight. I am too light, I am too brown, I am too purpple, too indigo. Just a big fucking rainbow. And I never use that "f " word.

I am a lier, a devil and I smoke cheap levels.

Smoking is so last decade, and still I countinue my bad habbits. I am a snake not a rabbit. I habbit

Metaphors I love, they are build up in a mind as smal as cleopatras pearls. I love second hand fur, and my mind i sometimes a big blur.
Welcome 2 my world, good night, sleep tight. Follow the yellow brick road, follow the feeling, follow me.

Time for a paradigm shift, it's all happening, true romance, the alchemist. Lawnce decides too live-
grass was greenSpring Ive seen


On my tracks, have been hiding, looking way too far back, all the way from year 1989, when life was like sun shine. But turned into hell, and now my head, it rang a bell. Looking back is being slave, looking now is being present, looking forward is paradise. I never lie. only when I feel pale, when I sit in "jail".
Being slave 2 my devil used too be hard, 'cause nobody teaches me 2 be grown up, only me.
So I turn twenty one. An I feel like I came on place nr 1.

grass was greenSpring Ive seen

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Going 2 sleep

As a rain bow
Tie me tight
As women's tight's

god night

thats me, god
not jesus, he died long time ago
I am still alive

High five
so last spring
2 morrow itss Gg's thing

My crew well look cool
I hope... Ha ha
he he, yeah yeah

grass was green
Spring Ive seen

Kill me

just shoot me
I am the falling star
w8ing to become tar
So i also get 2 get around
the world, it's so round
I have no bounds
Cause I cut them all wiht my knife
the wife?
What life?
deeply in love
But with my self
who is my shelf?

grass was green
Spring Ive seen

Friday, April 16, 2010

Asian Closet Ropa

visa information
2 mar








**Favor de darle seguimiento a este mensaje mediante Reply si estas interesada.

WWW.ASIANCLOSE.ORG - Tu closet en linea! - msn: - Facebook: Asiancloset Ropa -

grass was green
Spring Ive seen

Thursday, April 15, 2010

I wake up

feeling blue
put blue on an feel red
make my bed an feel brown
over with 50s
want 80s
Dont get what I want
so I create drama
leving me with zero
Heroin chick is so last summer
what a bummer

Drugfree blog
its just my log

my life is my life
my wifes are free
my men are bees

i h8 i h8 I h8

Then love and love
but curl ino my world
and puke out a blur

A blur I puked out
then I just need too shout
I fight with water, but wake up on the floor

Nobody 2 save me but my self
So i hang me up high on the shelf

i school i dont need
Leave my self 2 never bleed

grass was green
Spring Ive seen

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Flower for power

French for a bench
Glasses for bashes

grass was green
Spring Ive seen

Dash for cash

Ash with mash

Who know's

Only GOd's

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

2 day

I went into a game
manana I feel my peice

2 night I win my fight

Found my jacket and a shirt
filled with flower

Hidden in me

grass was green
Spring Ive seen

The spider the bites
I vacumed up tight


Is just a muse
a blog we all call
A wife in a box
A man who never stop's the talk

Trubble trubble
but my line, it's always be hind
Open 2 gropen

Shopping in the mess
Makes us stress

grass was green
Spring Ive seen

Thursday I where flowers
2 get back my power

the meeting is delayed
As we play

Call me lawnce
manana Hi hi
Twii twii

Monday, March 22, 2010


A fast gallery in Malmö
In a week or 2
Just for me and you
but nobodys free
So give me a C

A sea full of treasures
A bitch that cannot messure

So c you their, or b a sqaure

grass was green
Spring Ive seen
A fast gallery in Malmö
In a week or 2
Just for me and you
but nobodys free
So give me a C

A sea full of treasures
A bitch that cannot messure

So c you their, or b a sqaure

I know litle of sport
So here's a port

Music I love, here is something from above
grass was green
Spring Ive seen

Summer, when I want.

2 day I finished my meetings
Ate mcdonalds 4 breakfast
Bougt glasses for next day

knäckebröd and sill for dinner
With a mexican fishfinger

And Bj's 4 dessert

Now I am full as a house
Some power yoga 2 get me down.

Here are some greetings

grass was green
Spring Ive seen

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Just woke up from the day

grass was green
Spring Ive seen


Is closing

misses the heat
Where is tripple g?

grass was green

grass was green

Spring Ive seen

Longing 2 c

Just came home from the big city, funny living so far, it makes me pretty. The walks.

Today with a new smile on my face, I go to the eye doctor, they poke me in the eys, until I cry ice. Not really, but I love exaggerating, makes my story nice, and feeds me with rice.

">2 night I c the fox in the box, a movie I'd been longing 2 see.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Just came home frome thi city, found my glasses. A big project, walked from store 2 store looking like a whore.
But in the end I found my store, my hat got runned over, and my story is over, and in, in and out.
2 night we shout.

Fame, is nothing we seak, just a peak.
Shame is nothing I cope
Cause 2 night I own a cape.
I Hope

Paris I dreamt of
But been here
Been real
Waiting for Barcelona
So I can get out of my coma


4 my food
Wasting a tuna or 2

Healthy we try 2 be
Yesterday we all C

A plate of love
Send from above

The second floor
Where I'm not a whore

2 day

I am buying new glasses
A new image healthy 4 the I
Strong polarized
A copy cat, inspired by Kern
Copy cat's nevern learn

But hey it's just my image
Cause 2 day I feel finish
Ready steady ad go
Time 4 the sun 2 show


I woke up with a fihgt in my sight


Did the sun show out
I feel like a shout

Todays test is beating my fest
Friday night, I feel like 30
We all shine

When you need your laundry picked up.

I pick up my self, and pray you know how 2 say

A turtle

We save caus'e I'ts never very l8.
Just a time
2 make humans slime

around the world
The bodies curl
Around 2 night

Sleep is näver my fight...

the shark, they bite
Sharp teeth we like

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Tomorrow row row

I have nothing 2 write
4 my words always bite
2day I am blank
waiting 4 my thank

This something I knew
I world filled with amuse

A day for my game
a week for my same

a future I can C
A tomorrow I will B
A war with full tank
A pocket filled with my bank

My boat I float

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Rolling a dice
I place of spice

I forget
Just 2 let

Let the doors open
until we drop en

We r not robots


machines never die

You die I die

We die I die

My sight
I dice
And you
Hi Tripple G
Where you been?

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Now that I steeped out of wonder land
I think back, where is my band

I never had this
Nothing I ever needed

I just bleedid
Sours heal
No big deal

From now we all are happy
Just don't get snappy

Inside out side in
Shoved my pasts in the bin

Now it´s time to spin

mirrors you know....

Colors, I never saw grey in me
Perhaps because we are gay
Maybe because I can B
I am the rainbow
I drive slow

Fresh 2 death

Where is my driver liscens?!
Last time I saw it we where in the ocean
I was in the C
Playing with the waves
Falling in a cave