Too be normal, following norms as a robot. I guess that is what life is, puppet with out a string, feels like a just got stuck by a queen bee. But "like" your now, I always wonder how... Being a slave too misery, too "bad" feelings and then the good ones. Like soetimes I am a slave too mydear freind "peliflume", or Paulina. It's ok too be a slave, as long as you can handle your self.
I am very hard too handle, or used too be, new day. A new say, rimes, just sqezze like slime threw my brain. I alway's never complain. Just when I reach the bottom of my C, the feeling i never wanted too feel nor see. So I toss thus feeling away, on stones and walls. I kick and I box, like a child.
I am wild, the only person who can handle me is actually me.
grass was green summer I see
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