

Friday, May 14, 2010


Been traveling with my bag full, been their done that. But never met I guy that I like this much. It must be luck. I feel like a yellow duck. Saw girl interrupted, it feels like Iv'e been playing rolls, all but my self. I was a mixture of angie and ryder. Now I just feel like me, lawnce, but they call me Einar. I like to play my self in real life, but sometimes I become crazy and I feel like a lie.

I went too sleep feeling very grey, I am he who always used to feel like a needle hidden in hay. But I faund me, it took a while, and the journy has been wild. I was after all just a child.
Who live for his charectars, bursting from inside. But me valcano burst, and now I am fine. I usually shine.

Now just miss my love, he is made frome above, eyes brown like hunny. He is my bunny. How funny.

grass was greenSpring Ive seen

Thursday, May 13, 2010


This is my log, they call it a blog. I tell you my life, stuff like I'm in love with a boy, a man. He doesn't eat hamm, just veggies, neitheir does he drink milk, just wears fake silk.

He is silly like me, and does not have any billy piercings. He looks like a vintage polaroid, and his name is not loyd. A movie star, a drama king, just like me. He love's to provoke as me, he is a man he keeps me frome sikness thus choke, you see. He provides me with the dopiman drug, and I just want to give him a hug...

Enough about he, more about me, I am out of the sea, back to base zero. My unlucky town, where saddness is all I found. A town that makes me sick, from toe to top. This is a town of drop.

As in dropped out of school, dropped out of life, escaped to get me a new wife, but lucky me found this boy.

grass was greenSpring Ive seen